At St Margaret's we follow a monthly cycle of services, and as St Margaret's is the only church serving Warnham we aim to provide something for everyone, from the traditional to the modern.
As well as these regular services we celebrate some feast days on weekdays, usually with an evening Eucharist at 7.30pm. Scroll down for fuller details.
For details of children's activities during the morning service, go to Sunday Club.
Weekday services
Morning Prayer is said in the side chapel Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings at 8.15am.
10.30am Holy Communion, 1st Thursday - our monthly weekday said Eucharist according to the Book of Common Prayer
The monthly pattern for Sundays is as follows:
1st Sunday of the month
8am Holy Communion - A traditional, said Eucharist using the Book of Common Prayer
10am Morning Worship - A 'service of the word' that does not include Communion, generally with contemporary songs and hymns.
2nd and 4th Sunday of the month
10am Parish Communion - Eucharist led by the robed choir and organ, in contemporary language (Common Worship)
3rd Sunday of the month
8am Holy Communion - A traditional, said Eucharist using the Book of Common Prayer
10am All-age Service - Eucharist with the worship band, in contemporary language (Common Worship)
5th Sunday of the month
10am Parish Communion - usually said, in contemporary language (Common Worship or occasionally BCP)
6.30pm Choral Evensong (subject to confirmation) - traditional BCP evensong with sung responses, canticles and anthem led by our robed choir.
A quiet space early in the morning. A traditional, said service using the Book of
Common Prayer.
Length: 35 minutes.
The heart of our parish life, with music led by the robed choir and organ; preaching is strong and lively; and the Eucharist is celebrated using Common Worship.
Tea, coffee and squash are served for everyone after the service.
Length: 1 hour, 5 minutes. 2nd and 4th Sundays.
With music from our worship band, this is a lively service for all ages, with opportunities for our young people to contribute and lead the worship.
Length: about 55 minutes. 3rd Sunday.
This is a service of the word, and does not include communion. The music is generally contemporary and prayer time can be creative. This service can be an opportunity to engage together with scripture and prayer in a more informal setting than our regular 10am Eucharist. Length: about 55 minutes. 1st Sunday.
This said service has proved particularly useful to older people who value a later start or a shorter service. It is followed by tea and coffee and is a pleasantly sociable midweek pause for worship.
Length: 35 minutes. 1st Thursday.
Roughly four times a year the choir is joined by extra singers for a Choral Evensong, with a musical setting of the Canticles and responses, and an anthem.
This is usually on a 5th Sunday of the month but might vary.
See the Weekly Newsletter for details of our special services and celebrations for Christmas, Easter, the other great festivals and saints days.
We observe the full liturgical year with its wonderful annual telling of the story of salvation.
There are separate pages on the website giving details of the following: